Orc Survival Game Jam Update just Released!

Orc Survival is a top down 2D survival game originally made for the Coco Code Game Jam #1 2025.

You play as an Orc trying to survive in a poisonous land following the demise of the Demon Lord.

My first ever update to a game has just been released!

Over the course of the last year that I have been trying to make games, this is the first time I have carried on with a project following the initial Game Jam submission.

The update adds in Villagers and Sound Effects that I was unable to fit into the Jam timescale, and also includes a variety of bug fixes that fix various aspects of the game that did not function as originally designed.

The updates hopefully both make the game more difficult, but also make for a more rounded survival experience (mostly because the enemies now actually try to fight back rather than flee.  If you tried it before, please give it another look, and if you haven't tried it yet, I hope you give it a go.

I plan to continue building this game, with the aim of making it more complete as time goes by.

New Features

  • Villagers - Meet Bob and Charlie, the only other Orcs in the game (at the moment).  They might only stand around, but they can be interacted with and provide the option for trading.
  • Trading - A simple trading system has been implemented that allows for you to trade Food Items for a random Material, or to trade Materials for a random Food Item.
  • Sound Effects - Sound Effects have been added for most features in the game, from UI interactions to Player and Enemy actions.

Bug Fixes

UI Fixes

  • Fixed Main Menu Button on Death Screen
  • Fixed Player Health and Stamina on Enter Dungeon
  • Fixed Player Health and Stamina on New Game
  • Fixed Day Number on Sleep Screen
  • Corrected Button Text on Eating Screen

Player Fixes

  • Improved Player Movement
  • Fixed Reset of Player Inventory on New Game
  • Fixed Player Potions and Use Items
  • Fixed Player Sleep Stamina and Health
  • Ensured Player Death on Sleep when sleeping without eating and Health reaches 0
  • Decreased Player Interaction Radius to reduce multiple objects being detected and overwriting each other

Enemy Fixes

  • Fixed Enemy Movement towards Player
  • Fixed Enemy Stopping Location to reduce Enemy getting stuck on Player
  • Fixed Kelpie and Dragon Projectiles
  • Fixed Dragon Look Direction

Level Fixes

  • Removed Rock Nearest Cave Level Exit because it interfered with Player Door interaction

Animation Fixes

  • Fixed Player Poison Effect Animation
  • Fixed Enemy Attack Animations
  • Fixed Enemy Animations
  • Fixed Vent Animations

Making this update has been fun, but it also feels like a pretty big milestone for me where I am actually trying to make a game better, not just making something buggy and then leaving it alone.  I hope to continue with this project and have a roadmap of sorts that I would like to follow.

If you decide to give it a go, thank you, and I hope you'll follow the game to see if I manage to make it.


Orc Survival Jam Update Web Build.zip Play in browser
12 hours ago

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